The Zoological Natural History Museum
Addis Ababa University, Biology Department

The Zoological Natural History Museum (ZNHM) was established in 1955 E.C with the aim of collecting and preserving the wildlife heritage of Ethiopia and to exhibit it for society and the younger generation. Over the years, thousands of school children and adults , including tourists and foreigners , have visited and been fascinated with the modest collection of mammals, birds and insects. The ZNHM also serves as a teaching medium for zoology students of the Department of Biology and research resource indigenous and visiting scholars and academicians from all disciplines.

The ZNHM is housed at Arat Kilo Science Faculty campus near the National Herbarium. It has an exhibition panorama of about 150m 2 and a collection of over 13,000 specimens including the following:-

- about 34 specimens of red Sea corals
- over 330 specimens of marine and freshwater molluscs
- about 36 specimens of echinoderms
- over 7000 specimens of insects ( terrestrial and aquatic )
- over 320 fish specimens
- over 520 amphibian specimens ( slightly expanded in 2008)
- over 420 specimens of reptiles
- over 800 bird specimens in diorama
- over 1000 mammal specimens ( wildlife in diorama)

The museum welcomes donations of zoological materials .

The ZNHM is open every working day except Mondays. An entrance fee of 2 Birr for adults, 1 Birr for students and 10 Birr for foreign tourists is charged. Visitors intending to use photos and video will pay extra charges. Group visits are highly encouraged.